Spinning through space miles per second......no wonder we are all going crazy.
World News Analysis
World Events Observatory from the Edge of Infinity
HOSTED BY: Anthony Campos, PhD
REALM OF CONCERN: MOTIVATIONAL FORCES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR and Observational Analysis based on Logic and Reasoning
Website policy is that the future is based on present behavior......unless present behavior is interacted upon the future has a fair degree of predictability.
We analyze human nature for deception based on human motivations that can be justified by evidence, logic, and reasoning.
Fundamental Psychology (used by communists)
If you pump enough lies into the people, eventually the lies become truth in the minds of the people.
Knowledge is lacking in strength without logic and reasoning.
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Education on Communism: www.communism101.com analysis on The Communist Manifesto
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Some people on the media have no sense and often spread misinformation without checking the facts. The media will always counter President Trump. Well, this is my take on the whole affair that occurred between Trump and Zelensky. I truly believe that Trump wanted to counter Zelensky in the open as part of his strategy to assert dominance in the geopolitical sphere. Trump does not like Zelensky, because Trump rightfully believes that Zelensky actually wants the war to continue in order to get even more money from the US. The Zelensky government has always been corrupt and this is not going to change. Zelensky covered for Hunter Biden. Anyone with a brain should know this. Zelensky is arrogant by nature. Zelensky did nothing to avert war by not seriously negotiating with Putin at the very start. As a result of being arrogant, Zelensky actually caused the conflict to accelerate into the Russian invasion. President Biden went along with the arrogance because Biden was already in Zelensky's pocket because of the Hunter cover-up. Trump would never have allowed this behavior to continue. Both Biden and Zelensky caused this war to happen.
he American people are being misled by false information being released. I recall this type of behavior from the Vietnam war. In that war, the number of enemy deaths were false. The media kept overstating enemy deaths. The military reported false information in order to justify the war. Well, nothing has changed. The very same strategy is being used now. The media is always reporting about how many Russians have been killed in order to justify this war. Not much is said about Ukrainian deaths. The numbers are false. It is more likely that Ukrainian deaths are over one million while Russian deaths are about 100,000. Without billions of dollars from the US, Ukraine is in a losing situation. The worse part of all this is that the money that is sent is not accounted for. Most of US money is most likely being skimmed by corrupt Ukrainian officials.
As a person of some intelligence, I say that Trump was right in defying Zelensky's arrogance. The Europeans complained saying that Trump was wrong and now desire to do the negotiations for a peace agreement. England, France, Germany and others are incompetent. Zelensky is incompetent. Putin is smart and would not mind dealing with incompetent people like the liberal Europeans. As a result, it should be seen that Trump is the only one that would be able to actually form an agreement. As Trump stated, Zelensky does not hold the winning cards and arrogance will not bluff Putin. One final note. Are the Europeans going to give Zelensky several billions of dollars to continue the folly of war? What do you think? The only person holding the royal straight flush is Trump.
Another possibility could be that the whole event at the White House was just an act to activate Europe and Putin. I say this because the eruption in front of the reporters did seem rather unusual and out of the ordinary. Anything is possible. Trump is expert at playing a poker game. (3/2/2025 by Anthony Campos)
aThe U.S. should force Hamas out of Gaza and purge Gaze of that virus. Unless that is done, the same thing will happen over and over again. Anyone with logic would know that. A comprehensive strategy is required to address the underlying causes of the conflict and prevent future outbreaks of violence. The idea of transforming Gaza into a resort with good jobs and clean living for its people is the only solution. The new leadership has to be formed with honest elections and the elections would have to be highly supervised for integrity. Weapons would have to be banned from entering Gaza and all those entering would have to be vetted. Then Gaza would have to be proclaimed a sovereign nation with a recognized government. There is no other way. The people of Gaza have been used as pawns by religious terrorist groups that will allow the people of Gaza to be used as fodder bait by Hamas in their ongoing conflict, sacrificing innocent lives for their political aims. (2/5/2025 by Anthony Campos)
The liberal faction of the government is going to employ the same strategy to defend their own incompetence. They want to impeach Trump again instead of showing that they can implement projects that can actually help the average American citizen. This tactic shifts focus away from pressing issues that require actionable solutions and accountability. The quest for the preservation of power often overshadows the needs of the people who the policies are supposed to serve. The liberal strategy must be to avoid at all costs the failures, lies and deception that they have perpetrated upon the people. Whenever Trump succeeds, the liberal strategy must be to make it look like a fluke rather than an achievement, shifting the focus to perceived faults. However, the American people can only accept this narrative for so long before questioning its validity. The 2024 election shows this to be true. (1/25/2025 by Anthony Campos)
A bad person went out and the devil came in. It just does not end. The Russians would have kept Assad under control. Now there is no control. Same as what occurred in Iran a long time ago. The Shah was considered bad and so the devil came in. When the bad goes out, the devils of the world come in. We wanted Hussein dead and now we face something potentially more dangerous with the rise of extremist groups in the region. As usual someone with an English style suit was exchanged for a robe or a religious garb. (12/09/2024 by Anthony Campos)
Trump is smarter this time. He is picking a cabinet that is loyal and not a bunch of RINOs. The last time he picked Bill Barr for DOJ.....someone that should be teaching threoretical law in college instead of serving in a key government position. Initially, he picked Sessions who turned out to be a complete double crosser. He also made the mistake of keeping Comey for the FBI. This time he wants Kash Patel for the FBI and rightfully so. Of course, the Democrats will try to slander each of Trump's picks. The political opposition often seeks to undermine the credibility of appointees from rival parties. (12/07/2024 by Anthony Campos)
Trump Wins: unburdening what has been
The outcome of this election became obvious to anyone with logic and reasoning. Trump pounded on the most relevant of issues with steps to be taken while Harris merely talked about the problems. Harris failed to present a clear plan for addressing them. For Harris, she talked about problems that she had helped to create. (11/11/24 by Anthony Campos)
There is one good thing about the impending situation. The fighting arena will be the Ukraine/Russia area. Can it be confined? These areas around Ukraine have always been the KILLING FIELDS. Which side of corruptness do you want to take? Nations can now take sides and send their armies to fight the war between two corrupt governments (Ukraine and Russia). North Korea jumped into the event. Soon there will be others.....perhaps Iran. The U.S. is already involved. Take sides and send people to die for a useless cause. Is there any intelligence left in the leadership of nations on this planet? China is also involved and why not? We need more killing in this world. There is a thirst for killing on this planet that has never been quenched for thousands of years and may never end until we are all dead and irradicated from this earth. Pity for the parents and spouses that get letters of condolences from these corrupt governments. (10/21/24 by Anthony Campos)
Now, at the end of the year 2024 before the U.S. election, American leadership is lacking. This is leading the world into war involving Russia, Israel, North Korea and China. The media is not paying attention to the gravity of these geopolitical tensions, which could have serious global ramifications. Biden has not indicated any interest in sitting down with the relevant leaders to discuss solutions. It is as if Biden is totally oblivious to the problems at hand. Harris, the VP, is also totally oblivious to the seriousness of the wars that are developing. Biden and Harris need to acknowledge these issues and take immediate action to address them. The enemies of the United States are pressing hard before the elections to undermine the country's stability and international influence. The enemy is taking actions to knock out the U.S., because they know that Biden and Harris are not ready to protect the U.S. against potential threats. (10/14/2024 by Anthony Campos)
Almost one million jobs were added by mistake in the year. This was reported by the Labor Department. The Department of Labor cannot be trusted and is occupied by incompetent people. This error is quite enormous. (8/21/2024 by Anthony Campos)
It is totally democratic to question the voting in any election. It is not democratic to cheat in any election. It is totally democratic to investigate the ballots of any election when a charge is filed. It is not democratic when election officials and federal judges refuse to investigate charges of abnormalities. This writer finds it amazing that the principles of American democracy were not allowed to be initiated after the 2020 election. to this day, the American people do not know for sure how many ballots were cast by non-existent people, dead people and those who voted more than once. Is this type of process democracy at work? It sounds more like the elections of Venezuela and Russia. (08/16/2024 Anthony Campos, PhD)
If it quacks like a duck and looks like Daffy Duck.....it must be Daffy Duck. Trying to change Daffy Duck into the American Eagle is going to be quite an impossible ordeal. Yet, that is exacty what the democrats are going to attempt. The DNC and component people are going to try to change Kamala Harris from the image of Daffy Duck into the American Eagle. The laughing hyena noise has to stop along with the continued use of certain phrases which are geared to be profound. She will have to be coached on national policy. She will have to learn to blame Trump for the border crisis. She will have to explain how Trump created the increase in the national debt. She will have to blame Trump for the Afghan debacle. She will have to explain why the deaths in the Ukraine are justified. She will have to explain why Hamas is good and is justified in continually attacking Israel. She will have to explain why she supported the criminals that burned down places of business. Yes, the DNC will have quite a time in coaching her to come up with some good answers. (07/29/2024)
Being called a rascist has become common in politics. Being against democracy has also become common. These two words are being distorted, maligned, misused, and highly weaponized for the sole purpose of deception. The problem is that these words are thrown out there without validation and verification and without being backed up with justification and evidence. In other words, whatever is said should be explained with a justified explanation. (06/03/2024)
There is a chance that the DNC may want to cancel the Trump case in Georgia but not because of Fannie Willis. They will use Willis as the reason. However, the real reason will be that there are reports showing evidence that Trump was justified in contesting the results. There may be very strong evidence of massive fraud in Fulton County. It will be very embarrassing for all of this to be released in the trial. It will not look good if the American people find out that many things got buried and certain witnesses were kept in the dark. Trump may have been highly justified in seeking an investigation in the Georgia election. (04/07/2024)
Trump is too strong for the Democrats to handle. As a result, the DNC will always try to get rid of him by whatever means. This means cheating and false accusations are totally acceptable.
Robert Kennedy Jr. represents a good Democrat as was his father. He is logical and has a great degree of sense. However, he is independent and has defied the Democrat Party. This occurred because the DNC defied him. The people at the DNC will try to get rid of him also. He is a danger to Biden. The DNC wants a puppet.
Biden is the puppet of Obama and the Clintons. This is easy to see if you simply look back at what Biden said over 20 years ago. At one time, Biden was advocating exactly what Trump is now standing on. This means that Biden has totally changed his views, because he has too in order to get the support of the radical left. Furthermore, this means that President Biden is no longer his own man but is simply a puppet.
This is really a very composite view of the reality of it all at the present time. (04/07/2024)
The people in the liberal media are not dumb although they constantly do dumb looking things. They do and say dumb things purposely knowing full well that their statements are lies. They know psychology. Once they plant the idea although it be a lie, they have accomplished their objective of merely planting the idea into the audience. It does not matter to them if the statements are later proven to be lies. The liberal media will simply bury the whole affair without apology. This is how they accomplish their objective. It is a form of communism combined with fascism. If you pump enough lies into people, eventually the lies become truth in the minds of people. This is how communism works. (02/09/2024)
There seems to be a link between Biden and the Ukrainian leadership. When Trump asked for help from Ukraine concerning the Hunter Biden affair, the Ukrainian leadership did nothing. Biden must have done a deal here which means that Joe Biden owes a favor to the Ukrainian government. Why would Joe Biden be willing to fully support a corrupt government? It seems like it is because the Ukrainian government was willing to cover up the Hunter Biden dealings. There is corruption here and corruption there. The evidence is clear enough. (02/12/2024)
The American people better realize the definition of socialism and communism. Although not exactly the same, both definitions point in the same direction. It is government control over the people. The only major difference is in the degree of control. However, if you know a little about human nature, you should realize that one step leads to another. (02/12/2024)
If one was to consider all that has occurred over the past several years involving the use of federal agents to arrest political opponents, the resulting analysis can only become one conclusion. The liberal forces within the government are dangerous to the freedom of the American population. These liberal forces are evil in every sense of the word. These liberal unelected people act like communists by definition. Deception with the use of the media, these people can sway the population into accepting falsehoods. People always place their focus on the headlines and not the whole story. Many Americans are only capable of reading the headlines and nothing else and assume that the headlines are valid. The headlines are used as a weapon to deceive. (02/12/2024)
In Davos, Dimon praised Trump and stated that Trump was right about NATO, immigration and China. He also stated that Trump ran the economy very well. He also stated that Trump supporters should be respected. These admissions by Dimon is not what you will hear on MSNBC. On liberal media, it is said that Biden has been successful and Trump was no good and that Trump supporters are deviant. The people at MSNBC are crumbling in front of the cameras to the point where it is extremely embarrassing. The reporting hosts and guests at MSNBC must be forcing themselves to go with the deception because there is no other way out at this point. How can these people admit that they have been wrong for so many years? (01/17/2024 by Anthony Campos)
Sell Federal Land........just as in a personal bankruptcy certain possessions must be sold. This will become an asset liquidation.
There will be no other viable solution. There will not be enough tax money nor will there be enough cushion to lower the value of the dollar by printing more money.
(01/01/2024 by Anthony Campos)
A fusion is developing between the two major parties. On one side, we have Democrats (Liberals) and on the other side, we have Republicans (Conservatives). However, it seems that something is going on in the middle area where many Democrats and Republicans are fusing into the same mindset. The evolution of this group can only be described as a combination of Communist and Nazi behavior. I will simply entitle this behavior as Communazi. In this Communazi group are those who are hard core combined with those who simply go along with it all. The hard core would be people such as George Soros. The "go alongs" would be people like the former AG William Barr. Some of the "go alongs" do not even realize that they are actually going along with this disruptive evil that could destroy our constitution. What has just been stated here is the main issue. President Trump is not the issue. President Trump is simply being used as a conduit for those who share hatred toward him. William Barr did not like Trump and that was proven by the DOJ not following up on Hunter Biden's corruption and the laptop from hell. The high level of people at the FBI also did not like Trump and those top level agents also did not take action on Hunter Biden. In other words, this whole bunch of corruptive people kept the truth under wraps until after the 2020 election. The big drug firms also went along with the Communazis to get Biden elected by delaying the vax drug until after the election because these corruptive people already knew that Joe Biden would allow these drug firms to make tons of money off covid. The Communazi Party is there right now and developing stronger and the plan is to use whatever motivations possible to get people to support this evil. What motivations? Power, money and favors...... The definitions of communism and nazism may have to be redefined from the traditional definitions. People define Nazism as racial but how so. Is it not racial to act against white police officers and Jews? Is this not a form of Nazism? Therefore, is it not possbile for there to exist a combination of communism and Nazism? Both communism and Nazism are based on a foundation of deception and lies to achieve power for a select few to control a population. (12/9/2023 by Anthony Campos)
The liberal solution to reduce the national deficit was to increase tax revenue by hiring thousands of tax agents to extort money from Americans. Something has gone wrong with this policy. Tax revenue has gone down, and republicans are refusing to hire more tax agents. President Biden has stated that the new agents will only go after the wealthy. The problem is that money from the wealthy may not be enough to pay for the deficit or even reduce the deficit. The result if this liberal policy should continue becomes obvious. Every American that works will have to pay more taxes. (11/26/2023 by Anthony Campos)
There may be a communist takeover of our government which is what the present communist politicians wish to see. The destruction of the American traditional system is really what these far-left people desire. We have already seen events from the ANTIFA riots and the rhetoric coming from the BLM leadership. The real insurrection is coming from a minority of people that form the far-left organizations. (11/26/2023 by Anthony Campos)
Religion should be a personal affair relating to faith in what is righteous. It should never become a political belief. Unfortunately, the leadership in each religion is now delving deeply into the evil world of politics where the devil reigns supreme. Both the Muslims and the Christians have always had problems in mixing religion with politics. The situation is getting worse. So many people have been killed in the name of religion. Just read history. It just does not end.
(11/26/2023 by Anthony Campos)
To put us to sleep. You should know how a communist thinks. His only purpose in visiting a western nation is to make people complacent and to make people believe that he is sincere about humanity. (11/21/2023 by Anthony Campos)
Do not make fun of President Biden. Criticize those that stuffed drop boxes with fraudulent ballots because they are criminals. Criticize the media for not reporting the evidence of corruption in the Biden family along with Hunter Biden. Criticize the federal judges that buried all investigations into election fraud. Finally, make fun of the voters that did not logically interpret the motivations of a biased media. In the end, blame the voters that voted for what we now have. If you are basically Republican and voted for Biden, laugh at yourself for believing CNN and MSNBC. If you are normally a Democrat and voted for Biden, there is no hope for you.
(11/19/2023 by Anthony Campos)
The American people should look carefully at the Trump Fraud Case in New York City. This case represents a warning to the American people. This case against Trump is a fantastic example of communism. In this particular court room, all of the essence of the Constitution and rights of the people in the justice system goes right out of the door. This case is a prime example of Communism at work. Is this what the American people desire? If you were a defendant in court, would you want the judge to tell your attorney to shut up or sit down or be threatened because the judge is of a particular political party? I sincerely wish that the American people have enough logic and a conscience to realize what exactly is about to be perpetrated against them. (11/06/2023 by Anthony Campos)
It is predicted here that voter fraud will be more and more exposed over the coming weeks and months. The major form of fraud will be stuffing ballot boxes with fraudulent ballots. These exposures will signify that fraud is easily committed when employing drop boxes. If this is now being exposed as reality, then we can only theorize that fraud was also committed during the past elections involving national elections. (11/05/2023 by Anthony Campos)
The results of allowing all kinds of people into the United States is now becoming evident. These people are bringing to the United States beliefs that go against our Constitution. These foreign cultures do not believe in the U.S. Constitution. Many of these people would support various forms of communism and religious political beliefs. The U.S. Constiitution does not support the rule of law being dictated by a religion. It is predicted here that eventually there will be a civil war within the borders of the United States. If you read historical events, you will come to the same conclusion. (11/05/2023 by Anthony Campos)
The U.S. has been spending money in support of the Ukraine to counter Russia. However, the U.S. has also been giving money to Iran and Gaza which happen to be backed up by Russia. Does this make any sense at all? We find ourselves fighting Russia while supporting those that are backed up by Russia. So now the U.S. Muslim population is revolting to get us to support Gaza while we are financing Ukraine to fight Russia. Are we fighting Russia or are we supporting the Russian cause? (11/05/2023 by Anthony Campos)
Playing the Devil's Advocate: I would have several hundred males and females cross the southern border. They would enter our nation and report to certain specified sources where each would get financed and in a very subtle manner and integrate into the population. They would then be in close contact with their sponsors who would then get them all established with political powers. Some could then integrate with those entities that command defense agendas. This may sound like a conspiracy theory but we must assume that these enemy forces are being commanded by very deviant leadership. (10/27/2023 by Anthony Campos)
As an analyst of human nature, I will predict that both Democrats and Republicans will split creating a four party system. We are already seeing this happen. RFK, Jr. is splitting with the Democrat Party. Then, there is a split occurring within the Republican Party between the establishment faction and those that are more conservative. This may take a few years, but it will happen. It will happen because the majority in each party is deviating from the traditional philosophy that each party originally represented. The Democrat Party is becoming radicalized toward totalitarian modes of operation. The Republican Party is simply becoming a group of people that merely wish to appease the control of government over the American people. The present libertarian population will make its way to either of the two new factions. The RFK faction will split the Democrat Party, and the MAGA faction will split the Republican Party. Perhaps, this is all for the better. It seems to me that both of the major parties are becoming failures in the eyes of the American people. (10/27/2023 by Anthony Campos)
You hire about 60 people. Each will deposit 20 fraudulent votes per day into a drop box for 30 days in a row within a one-sided county. This will produce 36000 votes which will never be verified. A federal judge will say that there is no evidence of widespread fraud. Of course it is not widespread. It all happens within a confined area of one county. (10/27/2023 by Anthony Campos)
This writer has found no motivation to make comments in several months. Everything stated prior to this stands. The destruction of our nation continues under these death wish pagans. The only difference between several months ago and now is that it has gotten much worse. Inflation cannot slow down with so much spending going on. Interest rates to buy a home will go higher because the Federal Reserve is composed of a bunch of sophisticated idiots. Integrity within the population is collapsing because those in leadership are taking bribes. Following the laws of the Constitution is no longer relevant since the Department of Justice is breaking all the laws. Federal Judges have now become instruments of political power instead of serving justice for all. Instead of helping American communities that are in poverty, the government is sending money to the Ukrainian government without any form of accounting. It has now become okay for those in power to jail political opponents. Biologically, there is no longer any difference between male and females. How do you think this is all going to end? (8/13/2023 by Anthony Campos)
It was stated here prior that the two political parties have developed a tendency to become the same. Eventually, there will be only one party in the United States. President Trump is the anti-merge factor and that is why both parties want to get rid of him. Trump is a party all its own. If these DINOS and RINOS have their way, freedom and liberty will terminate. The Democrats in name only (Communists) and the Republicans in name only (fake conservatives) have become dangerous to our way of life. The DINOS and the RINOS are willing to use their power collectively (funded by an outside force) to control the American people. It is unfortunate that so many Americans do not see this coming. An example of this merging of the parties became clear when allegations of election fraud came up. Did you notice that most of the Republican players did not even investigate the allegations along with many conservative judges. It felt as if these fake conservatives actually were satisfied in quickly dismissing the allegations without even looking at the evidence. Trump's DOJ did not even look at the evidence because that fool just wanted to get out of there since he did not like Trump in the first place. All of these fake conservatives just wanted to get rid of Trump as much as the Democrats wanted to accomplish the same thing. The verdict from the conservative judges was that the fraud was not widespread. What does that mean? Not widespread! So, there was fraud but not widespread. That means that those that committed fraud were innocent because it was not widespread. The fraud was never fully investigated and that is the logic of it all. (4/30/2023 by Anthony Campos)
The power behind the merging of parties is not coming from the politicians. It seems to be coming from outside sources. (4/30/2023 by Campos)
Jesus was guilty of no crime. Even the Roman governor could not find blame. Yet, the Jewish leadership prevailed and got rid of a rival. Who was the real criminal here. It was the Jewish leadership and those that backed up that leadership. The Roman governor had all the power to intervene but succumbed to the evil. It seems as if nothing has really changed in human nature since the start of mankind. (3/31/2023 by Anthony Campos)
Nancy Pelosi withheld evidence from the defendants that were sent to prison. Furthermore, the January 6th Committee never introduced all of the videos of the riot. Finally, Tucker Carlson presented the videos on this show only after Kevin McCarthy released the videos. The Democrats suppressed evidence that could have supported some of those accused. Pelosi is ultimately responsible for this criminal act. Pelosi once stated that she is a good Catholic. If she is a good Catholic, then I shall renounce the Catholic religion. She held back those videos purposely and that is criminal behavior. Those trials of those convicted should be overturned. Nancy Pelosi placed herself above the law by what she did. The American people should wake up to the implications of all this. This type of criminal behavior is going to extend into the future. People that are this evil are not going to stop. Eventually, the type of behavior done by people like Pelosi will have serious consequences to the future of our nation. Then, to make matters worse, the Democrats are saying that Tucker Carlson was treasonous in showing the videos and many dumb Republicans agreed without even observing the evidence. So, now we can only have one point of view or be called treasonous. Is this democracy? Is this what the Constitution is all about? Tucker Carlson was right in showing those videos. The Democrats have also continued to insert lies into their narrative about how many officers were hurt or killed as a result of the riot. A Capitol police officer shot and killed an unarmed woman. Upon seeing that particular video, any person of any common sense will conclude that it was a homicide committed by that officer. If one was to look carefully into all of the issues of that day, it will be clear that the Democrats have done their best to coverup much more than what can even be imagined at the present time. I believe that there will be more revelations to come. (3/11/2023 by Anthony Campos)
A few days ago, the Energy Department followed by Chris Wray of the FBI admitted that the virus most likely came from the Wuhan Virology lab. It took this long for this revelation to occur. On December 17, 2021, I stated here that the Chinese created this biological weapon at the Wuhan lab. I repeated my belief again on January 22, 2022. During all this time, Fauci stated on news media that the virus came from a natural event. Also, during all this time, Democrat leaders backed Fauci, and the liberal media tended to ban all opinions that stated otherwise.
Why is American media backing up the word of communists? Are Americans really in love with communism? Are Americans against freedom? The truth will come out. However, a small minority of Americans are communists whether or not this minority actually has knowledge of what communism entails. Trump was right about the virus, but the Democrat politicians made him look foolish. As a result, the American people got fooled into voting for the wrong person. Americans need to get smarter about the use of logical reasoning.
On July 31, 2022, I stated that the vaccine should be questioned and that proper research had not been done. Then, on January 22, 2023, I stated that the vaccine may be dangerous to your health. I stand by these statements. I do believe that the vaccine was produced way too rapid and has not been followed by continued research. I do not place my trust in the drug manufacturers and the healthcare system in our nation. Meanwhile, the vaccine makers have made tons of money off the American taxpayer. This all boils down to a criminal event. (3/1/2023 Anthony Campos)
The military shot down the Chinese balloon off-shore in the Atlantic with a missile costing many thousands of dollars. They could have used one shell from a jet fighter. Should the Chinese laugh at this? Should Americans laugh at this? (2/12/2023 by Anthony Campos)
Are Americans responsible for the over 25,000 people killed in Turkey. The Turkish government should pay fully to help those people. Actually, the Turkish leaders should be put in prison for negligence. People living in homes with no building codes applied. What has the Turkish government done with all the money sent by the U.S. and other nations? Oh, the Turkish leaders spent the money on the military.....maybe....for protection....protection from what? More people died in this earthquake than from a war. So now the American people are being asked for donations. What is wrong with this picture? (2/11/2023 by Anthony Campos)
The victim was black and the cops were black. There was no racism here. As in Chicago, black people kill black people. As soon as I saw the Nichols news, it hit me. The issue for all of these types of atrocities is not racism. It is a total lack of morality, integrity and compassion for life which is all linked to how these people were brought up by their parents and the education system. This situation is getting worse with time. The American education system is corrupted with confusion brought on by liberal policies which seem to whack out the minds of people. These infected people seem to go back two or three decades of the education system in our nation. There seems to be no sense of morality or logic on how to manage life. There is no respect for life. It becomes a situation where whites will kill other whites just as blacks will kill other blacks. It is a total disrespect for life and compassion as people go through the education system without a knowledge of those in American history that made our nation great. Remember those folks that tore down statues and tried to erase any evidence of our history and tried their best to discredit all of our heroic figures. Burning of our flag by Americans is just another contributing factor leading to the lack of morality, integrity, and a disrespect for the value of life.
(1/28/2023 by Anthony Campos)
This is just a very quick observation from this writer's observatory. Something is going on here. Too many people are dying and getting sick......but not from covid. It could be from the vaccine. If this is true, two things will happen here. First, the drug firms will cover this to continue to soak the government for money. Second, when the truth comes out, the drug firms will get sued and the government will coverup. The vaccine could very well be killing people that may have any kind of abnormality at all. The problem is that the drug people and the medical profession are not warning the population. If you observe some of the events in the news, you should begin to sense that something is going wrong.
(1/22/23 by Anthony Campos)
The news releases are abundantly enough for everyone to know what occurred. This involves 3 or 4 different locations. How many more? Only a general analysis is now required. Sauber, the white House lawyer, said the following:
"We are confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced, and the president and his lawyers acted promptly upon discovery of this mistake," said Richard Sauber, a White House lawyer, in a statement." My simple analysis is simple enough. This mistake occurred many years ago and Biden did not report it at that time. Now, should a lawyer, even with clearance, be able to actually read these secret documents. A secret clearance for a lawyer does not give that lawyer access to information that only a president or intel officer may observe. If I had a secret clearance, I would not have a right to see an intel report that may be given to a president or other authorized official. Material that is under lock is not considered guarded because a lock can be unlocked by a locksmith. Good luck America!
(1/14/2023 by Anthony Campos)
ADDED NOTE 1/22/23: Trump's house was well protected but Biden's house and private office were not protected.
It should have become evident by now that the best way to combat an opposing view is simply to call it misinformation. If you observe the response by politicians concerning criticism, you should know that using the word "misinformation" is the best weapon to use in warding off opposing views or to cover-up a lie. Why is this weapon employed so much? It is because it works. It is a psychological weapon. Quite often, it can be used without further validation. It acts as an implant into the minds of people to create doubt about the criticism. It is a psychological injection. (1/14/2023 by Anthony Campos)
"Typically, refugee status is not granted just based on economic need or because a family lives in a bad neighborhood or poverty. It's typically defined fairly narrowly -- the state, for example, that was targeting political activists and they need to get out of the country for fear of prosecution or even death."
(presented on America's Voice by Steve Bannon)
The United States is experiencing two types of inflation. One is monetary, and the other is population. Both are very negative. Politicians are saying that the migrants will fill jobs that Americans do not want. Okay........and so there are two or three million people crossing the border. How many janitors and hotel room cleaners can we use? Can we accommodate several more million people that have no education at all? Where will they work? Where will the kids go to school? Who will pay for all this? How many of these migrants are criminals or terrorists? There have been reports that some of the migrants are not even from south of our border. They are coming in from nations that are considered to be enemies of the United States. The end result is going to be disaster. If I was Putin, Xi, or the Iranian leadership, I would be directing as many agents as possible to infiltrate our nation. (12/31/2022 by Anthony Campos)
According to a release by Rasmussen, politicians say one thing and support the opposite. This seems to be true no matter which party. Most politicians will say that they support border security and yet they will allow the opposite to happen. These people know how the general public may feel and announce that they support the general feeling of the American people. However, when voting in Congress, these politicians will vote for minority desires. In other words, they allow the minority feeling to advance. This is like having two faces. Many of the politicians that voted for the Omnibus Bill were people that have been against wasteful spending, and yet they voted for more spending. Some of these people were Republicans. What is wrong here? These people get elected on the policy of reducing inflation and reducing wasteful spending. It is a psychological thing concerning human behavior. In simple terms, it is corruption of the mind. Deals have to be made in Congress and favors are given. The biggest weapon of any minority faction is that favors are exchanged for integrity. (12/31/2022 by Anthony Campos)
The Federal Reserve is composed of well-educated people that have allegiance to the member banks. The Fed has been raising rates to fight inflation at the cost of the economy. This means that the banks in the U.S. system will now make more money from loans. If the economy goes down as planned and people get into a cash shortage, people that may be seeking a loan just to get by will have to pay more to the banks in interest. Chairman Powell and his banking accomplices do not care about the average citizen that is losing wealth on 401 accounts or in stock positions. The Fed is now drunk on exercising power by rattling the economic system into chaos. Why do we have so many stupid, educated people in power in this country? Okay, let us assume that they are not really stupid. This means that these people are willing to cause damage to the American citizen in order to empower their own positions. This inflation problem was triggered by rising energy costs by reducing oil supplies and government spending. To cure the inflation problem they should increase oil drilling and stop spending on foolish things and not raise rates. By activating the economy, it would increase the demand for capital which could be juiced from the inflationary monetary supplies. In other words, the inflation would eventually moderate itself without creating havoc. In other words, the inflation could be used to fuel an advancing economy. (12/16/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Once again, this writer cannot be shocked by the logic of this exchange. Bout is a Russian agent and terrorist. Griner shoots a basketball through a hoop. Griner will now continue to shoot a basketball through a hoop while Bout will continue to kill people. Why are American negotiators so stupid? We left a former Marine behind Russian lines and got Griner instead. This is beyond stupid. The Russians are laughing at U.S. stupidity and I do not blame them. In reality, Bout carried a very high degree of value that cannot be even imagined. Bout is the kind of servant that Putin wished upon the Russian soldier. If the average Russian soldier was like Bout, Russia would be invincible. Well, maybe now we can win more basketball games. (12/12/22 by Anthony Campos)
Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by members of their organizational hierarchy. This definition is commonly seen on the Internet. It is not an illegal action, but it can be considered unethical. My definition for "plausible deniability" is that it is legally crooked. Many politicians will use this method as general policy. The American people must be aware of this policy. As an example, it was used by Joe Biden to explain Hunter's laptop issue. It was also used in all of the issues involving disinformation.
(12/10/22 by Anthony Campos)
From all that I learned in becoming a PhD.............
Did COVID start in a natural manner or was it made in a Chinese lab?
Dr. Fauci is deceiving the world by saying that it was a natural event. I say this because he has not produced the bat and the Chinese have not found the bat. I believe that the Chinese have been working on biological weapons which is supposed to be outlawed by the UN. If the Chinese had the bat, they would have produced it by now to show how virtuous they may be. Where is the bat that caused so many deaths? There must be many infected bats since one bat will infect other bats. With so many bats flying around with the virus, why hasn't one been caught and showcased?
Did our own intelligence agencies lie about Hunter Biden's laptop?
Yes, our leading agencies did lie because it has been on video that President Biden declared that our agencies assured him that it was all disinformation. The people at the FBI and DOJ already knew that the laptop was real. These agencies kept the truth under wraps through the elections and way after as well. Now these agencies have somehow agreed that the laptop is indeed real. This situation is so vile that I find it incredible that the American people can be so complacent.
Has there been fraud or foul play in both of our major elections?
I find it amazing just how clever the various agencies of the Democrat Party may be. These people can very smartly operate on the edge of criminality and are able to find support from within the court system to cover the criminal activity. Remember that it was Schumer that stated that Trump must be stopped by whatever means no matter what it takes. He said that on video. Don't the American people know English? Don't the American people know what he said? He said to stop Trump by whatever means and whatever it takes. Is that clear enough? Or perhaps, English teachers have failed to teach English in the school system.
Is Black Lives Matter an organization?
Of course, it is. Biden said that it was an idea and not an organization. Biden lied about BLM. The BLM mob was well organized and well financed by people like George Soros. The BLM movement is simply a front to the BLM organization. Together it all becomes a dangerous communist movement under the more peaceful guise of socialism.
Did the DNC use Biden as a front or puppet to gain the White House?
Yes, this is very evident. The DNC knew very well that Biden had problems but merely used him to gain power by deceiving the American people in believing that Trump was crooked. Meanwhile, it was Biden that was crooked along with his son. Is it not peculiar that despite all of the mistakes and disasters performed by Joe Biden that the DNC has continued to support the idea that he is doing a great job. At this point, the DNC has no choice. The DNC is way too deep into this and are hoping for some sort of miracle to reconcile the continuation of one disaster after another. Democrat economists have now openly stated that the present inflation was created by Trump when he lowered taxes. Has anyone bothered to read what is found in a text of economics 101? Does anyone know what causes inflation? The stupidity is so far out that I actually find it hard to believe that the human brain can be so capable of such a high degree of malfunction.
Considering all that has been perpetrated by socialist politicians, why do so many Americans vote for people that lean toward communistic policies?
I have come to believe that people, despite their education about history, seem to think that socialists are compassionate toward the poverty stricken. If socialists were really that concerned about humanity, poverty would have been eliminated a long time ago. Instead, communistic policies seem to breed even more poverty and dependence on the government to simply maintain an existence. A socialist government is only concerned with maintaining the population at a planned level of existence. In the end, the population becomes satisfied with that level of existence and will vote for that secured level of existence.
I truly believe that if you pump enough lies into people eventually the lies become truth in the minds of people. The method is brainwashing. Communists are good at it.
(12/3/22 by Anthony Campos)
The leadership of both parties in the U.S. are fusing into the same thread. We now have so many RINOs that we really cannot be sure of what a Republican may be. The Cheney group is just one example where Liz and her dad never did support Trump and would rather support the Democrat cause. This is just the start of an evolution within the two parties that will eventually lead to the joining of DNC and RNC. In other words, both the DNC and RNC will take action against anyone that may criticize any member of either party. No candidate for office may criticize a swamp dweller regardless of party. The leadership of both parties will act to stop Trump or any other outsider. (11/14/22 by Anthony Campos)
People are not concerned with climate change and woke theories. People are focused on inflationary prices at the stores and the increase in crime. The polls are all showing this. The Democrats know this. So what can the Democrats do? The only way out of this becomes cheating and deception. (10/29/22 by Anthony Campos)
(Addendum 11/25/22 by Anthony Campos) The liberals used and are using deception and emotion to sway voters. The deception is to pretend compassion. There really is no compassion in politics. The strategy is to prey on the American people to feel a sense of sorrow.
The DOJ already knew that Trump had already stated that he would turn over the records whenever it was requested and knew where those records were locked. Now, the DOJ used the excuse of the archives records to get a search warrant. Logic dictates that it was only an excuse. The FBI went there not just to get the records but to search the house to see if they could find any incriminating evidence other than the records. It is for that reason that the FBI agents went through the whole house. They could have merely gone to the basement and recovered the boxes. This sort of activity is vile and evil. The DOJ used the power available with a deviant federal judge to perform this act. The DOJ may also have done this without presidential permission. This type of act has negative implications. It means that the DOJ now has the power to act without informing the president. Does the DOJ now possess more power than the president? Does the DOJ now believe that Joe Biden is insignificant? (8/14/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Additional comment on SEP 4, 2022: The FBI agents spread documents on the floor in order to imply that Trump was careless. Then, the FBI posted that photo on the Internet. This is just another example of the kind of deception that may be found in third world nations. The FBI leadership has done deception in the past against Trump. Meanwhile, President Biden is claiming that Trump is a threat against democracy. What do the American people think of that?
I have always liked the Windows system because it was easy to operate and understand. However, Microsoft-run PCs are not as good as the Apple Mac. I have an Apple Mac from over 10 years ago, and it is still running fast and without any breakdown. As a result, no more Microsoft PCs for me. My Dell is now very slow and has experienced one breakdown with several hackings. So, if you want to give a gift to your child, I advise Apple. Otherwise, there will be trouble ahead. I also do not appreciate Microsoft throwing into my computer updates that tend to mess up my system without my permission. Microsoft acts as though it owns my computer and is able to command my computer. Of course, you should understand that Microsoft is run by liberals who believe that they have full authority over you. (8/7/2022 by Anthony Campos)
The Bannon trial is a good example of something that would happen in China. The judge would not allow Steve Bannon to defend himself on the basis of presidential preference. Yet, the main basis of the problem was based on presidential preference. Of course, this court's guilty decision will be overturned. This judge could not be that stupid. This means that the trial was for show purposes. In the United States, a judge cannot prevent the accused from a defense. What is going on here? The result is that it shows that our nation is degrading. It also shows that many of these federal judges should never have been appointed. (7/31, 2022 by Anthony Campos)
There has not been much improvement on the virus drugs for a long time now. These drug firms were fast in coming up with a drug and now there has been no major improvement. Yet, these firms are soaking tons of money from the government. At first, the politicians stated that the virus drugs were good once taken. Now, it is being released that maybe you should get more shots to reinforce the first shot. This means that the first shot was not as good as formerly advertised. Government spending on these drugs have contributed to the massive inflation that we now face. The CDC now expects us to get shots on a continual basis without any concern for negative effects. We do not know what these virus shots are actually doing to our internal organs. The results will begin to appear in time. (7/31/2022 by Anthony Campos)
This writer now firmly believes that there was fraud in the 2020 election. The evidence of this fraud must be covered up. Otherwise, the U.S. will become the laughingstock of the world. Both the DNC and the RINO faction must cover this up. It will all look even worse if it be proven that there was fraud and as a result we ended up with a failure in the White House. This goes psychologically deep. It all goes deeper than what the average American can understand. (7/31/2022 by Anthony Campos)
The economy would now be booming in the U.S. if Trump was in charge. However, it turned out that dumb Americans voted for what we now have. America is not like the rest of the world. Communist globalists believe that America should be like the other nations. This means that when other nations go into bad times, America should follow. Biden has allowed America to follow the follies of other nations. Therefore, America is now in trouble. The situation is not getting better. We now have some Americans that advocate getting rid of the Supreme Court and changing the Constitution. Americans are continually being coerced into communism. This movement must be stopped. These neo-communists are actually trying to destroy the traditional American system in order to bring in the new world order. These American leftists are willing to destroy their own nation in order to accomplish this. These American type communists had to get rid of Trump because Trump was an obstacle. They were willing to get Biden into office knowing full well that Biden would cause the destruction of the American way of life. This concept may be hard to believe and accept but if you know the history of the world you should realize that this sort of thing has occurred before in many other places. The people that are involved in this process are of two types. One type would be those that actually possess the objective of the communist takeover. This group may be very small in number. The second group are those that are unknowingly being led to the slaughter. It is the second group that becomes the key. These are just ordinary people that are being fed lies. These may be just ordinary Americans that begin to believe the lies put out by the minority group of communists. Deception is the plan behind this game. Both senators and congressional people are being used to deceive the American people. It really becomes are very intricate plan. Federal judges also become part of this plan. Whenever anyone tries to reveal this plan, the method is to put out in the media that it is nothing but conspiracy theory. (7/14/2022 by Anthony Campos)
A non-lawyer would know that the January 6 panel would have to refer any decision to the DOJ. However, the Committee is highly flawed. It is composed of Trump haters with no representation of any opposing view. The Committee is therefore void of any cross-examination. Pelosi did not allow anyone to represent the Trump side. These facts can only mean that any conclusion drawn by this group cannot be considered legally binding except for the purpose of referral to a higher level. It does seem that the main purpose of the Committee is to defame Trump. The DOJ knows the reality of all this. In a real court, the charges of the Committee would be met with facts not introduced by the Committee. Pelosi would have to answer why she did not grant Trumps's request for federal troops before the rally. The definition of insurrection would come into play. What exactly is required for the act of insurrection? This writer has enough education to know that the events of January 6 was simply a riot of angry people and not an act of overthrowing the government. The people composing the January 6 Committee know that. Their only purpose is to gain votes in the coming election. (6/13/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Those of you that voted for Biden or committed fraud in his name....do not cry like babies because you voted and worked for this. It has been one crisis after another, and we have two more years of this. However, the main problem is not that we are having to fight one fire after another. The main problem or concern is that we are destroying the foundation of our nation. Once the root of a plant is destroyed, the plant cannot prosper and grow. We now have not only the deviant behavior of the liberal politician but also the deviant behavior of the Rino faction of the Republican party. These destructive patterns are now showing up everywhere. Even CNN that supported Biden is now unable to avoid the bad news. The media is still trying to find someone to blame for it all. Biden has stated that he inherited the problem from Trump and Biden has also blamed the Russians for the inflation. Biden has no concept of economics. Has he forgotten what he learned in college economics class? When will the American people understand what is really going on here? (5/14/2022 by Anthony Campos)
How long can we hang at the edge without falling off? We are facing one conflict after another. The markets are falling, inflation is rising, interest rates are going higher, fuel prices going even higher, questionable people are crossing the border, China wants to invade Taiwan, Russia is murdering civilians, and now we are faced with the abortion problem every day in the news. The most troubling part of all this is that it will all get worse. However, daffy Americans voted for this and that is a fact.
(5/5/2022 by Anthony Campos)
You fight deception with a trained sense of logic. Logic is not taught in the public school system. Why? This is because the school authorities want students to believe in a certain way. Too many instructors and college professors have become politicized. This is what happens in the making of a communist or fascist nation. (5/5/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Politicians believe that they are smarter than the average citizen. This belief is actually true in only one aspect. Politicians know how parliamentary procedures work. They know procedures. Most people do not. Knowing procedures is something that may be memorized. Logic has nothing to do with memorization. Logic is the ability to reason and adapt to any situation. As a result, we get people in government that can make a good speech and deceive the population. The result is what you now see within our nation.
(5/5/2022 by Anthony Campos)
In Vietnam we killed thousands of Vietnamese.
We lost thousands of Americans with many thousands wounded.
NOW.......We buy Nike shoes and clothing from Vietnam.
Are humans totally crazy or what????
(4/28/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Put yourself in the place of your enemy. In this case, the enemy can be terrorists from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, China, and Russia. If I was to play the enemy, I would have infiltrated the United States with sleeper cell agents over the past year. It was so easy. I would have them come across the border as raggedy poor people in need of political salvation. Once within the nation, I would have them report to contacts that would supply them with funds. Then, I would have them assume covert identities with official looking documents and issue them a driver's license. I would have them become proficient in the English language and have them enter our colleges and universities. I would also make sure that many of these agents were women. Then, I would wait patiently for several years as I amused myself at the stupidity of the American politicians. I would have these agents fuse into the branches of government, the media, and major corporations. I would have these agents corrupt the minds of the American citizens at the education level and through the media. Why would I use these Trojan Horse methods? It works. (4/22/2022 by Anthony Campos)
For so long now the media has denied the existence of the Hunter laptop. The media claimed that it was all a conspiracy. Facebook and Twitter banned people that believed the laptop was real. Now, it has been proven by investigating agencies that the laptop was real and that there are devious issues involved. The Washington Post now admits that there are negative issues involving the laptop and Hunter Biden. Of course, the investigating agencies made sure that these revelations came after the 2020 election. (4/15/22 by Anthony Campos)
Now that we have high gas prices, Biden has agreed to produce oil again. However, the media does not admit that Trump would have prevented the problem in the first place. The strategy is now to pretend that producing more oil is really the grand solution created by Biden. So now Biden will get credit by the media as being the savior. It just never ends. It seems as if Trump has been right but Biden will get the credit. (4/15/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Let us now consider inflation. I majored in economics and I recall what may lead to inflation. It is the printing of money and spending that money on nonsense. For a price to rise on a commodity, you simply stop producing the commodity. I believe that Biden is responsible for both those issues. Putin has nothing to do with our economic problems. President Trump was against spending money on nonsense and he was in favor of more oil production. Do Americans know anything about basic economics? (4/16/2022 by Anthony Campos)
The human brain has problems that have not been resolved despite all of the follies of conquest. Nothing has really evolved for the better. World leaders will continue to drive people to their deaths. The war in Ukraine will not end soon. It will go on. It will get ugly beyond the imagination unless the leaders are irradicated. We have learned nothing about war. In Vietnam, we lost over 60,000 Americans and we killed many thousands of Vietnamese. Now, we buy Niki shoes from Vietnam. This is insane. The insanity is that we went into that war and not that we are buying Niki shoes. The Vietnam war pushed by Johnson and McNamara was the initial malfunction. So now, we are supposed to be shocked that Putin is following the same malfunction policy. The leader of Ukraine and the leader of Russia are both guilty of the deaths that have occurred and will continue to occur. We should read the history of the Ukraine region. For hundreds and hundreds of years, the Ukraine region has been a killing field. It is as if the area is infested with a virus intent on genocidal death. The Ukraine president had plenty of time to prepare and was getting plenty of money. Where did the money go? He also had plenty of time to develop and air force. (4/15/2022 by Anthony Campos)
Attorney General William Barr was the wrong man for the job according to Trump. Trump was right. Now consider that Obama's attorney general once stated that he was Obama's wingman. That means full support for Obama. Did Trump get full support from Barr? Has it not been evident that most Democrats support each other at high levels? On the other hand, has it not been evident that republicans tend to kill their own? Barr was a mainstream well-educated conservative that never did like Trump's brash behavior. Barr never took decisive action against the apparent hoax of Russian collusion. Barr had over two years to prove that Russian collusion was a lie. He also had plenty of time to prove that Hillary had spied on a sitting president. Barr did not push Durham to present evidence. Barr lingered until after the election of 2020. This writer can only conclude that Barr was a complete failure. Now Barr has stated that the voters should support any challenger to Trump. William Barr is just another swamp politician. We now have swamp Democrats and swamp Republicans. These swamp people should all be in one single party. Rinos and left-wing Democrats are all the same.
Barr also stated that there was no evidence of voter fraud. How come that a smart person like him never looked at the evidence? The reason is simple. He is a political coward with no courage to counter the Democrat establishment and the left-wing media. Barr never seemed to cope very well with the insulting barrage coming at him from the media. Trump should have chosen Guiliani. The resulting show would have been worth watching. (03/26/2022 by Tony Campos)
Click to edit text. What do visitors to your website need to know about you and your business?
There has been some talk that the situation would now be different if Trump was president. The liberal media is saying that we are lucky that Biden is president because Trump would have declared war on Russia. Now look at those two scenarios. The reality is that the situation would be different if Trump was the president, because he would have negotiated a solution long ago. I sincerely believe that Trump would have assured Putin that Ukraine would never be part of NATO. Trump never really did appreciate the operators of NATO as you may recall. So why would he want Ukraine in NATO. Furthermore, Trump would have shown a realization of the concern of Russia having another NATO nation so close to the Russian border. President Biden had no clue of this Russian concern. Biden simply continued to bash Putin. Of course, if Trump had negotiated with Russia, the liberal media would have once again claimed Russian collusion upon Trump. As you can see, our nation is corrupted with a continuation of false premises with no sense of logic. Instead of a negotiated settlement, we now have massive destruction and death. Ukraine should have been negotiated as a neutral nation with no chance of acceptance into NATO. Such an agreement should have been inscribed into a UN document and signed by a majority of nations. President Biden did nothing. He simply allowed the media to control the situation while he became totally stagnant. Biden's advisors are certainly also at fault since they have no sense of strategic ability. (3/11/2022 by Tony Campos)
These Democrat committee members are on MSNBC stating over and over again that there is no evidence of voter fraud and they are forcing these lies upon the judge. Not one of those Democrats have looked at the evidence compiled by the states involved. The host on MSNBC simply goes along with the sham without even mentioning that evidence is being presented. Bill Barr has dismissed that there was voter fraud without him ever looking at the compiled evidence. This sort of behavior has not changed since the Russia collusion debacle. These Democrat officials and some high level Republican officials never wanted to look at the evidence on Russia collusion and nothing has changed in regards to voter fraud. Anyone that has knowledge concerning human behavior will realize what this is all about. The Democrat Party wants to get rid of Trump no matter what lies may have to be created. Many Democrats and many Republicans are composed of evil and filth to the core. They almost all share one objective and that is that the leader of this nation must be a swamp member who will support the deep state of self-serving politicians. (3/3/2022 by Tony Campos)
It should be obvious by now that Putin wants to restore the old Soviet Union. The reality of it all is that he can do exactly that because American politicians do not understand the Russian mentality and resolve. The Russian leadership does not change every four years. The resolve becomes embedded with a solid mentality toward a specific objective. The Russian leadership will now concentrate on infiltrating all the former parts of the Soviet Union in order to complete the objective. Certain people will be either poisoned or meet with some form of death and removed. To attain the goal of domination, a communist leader must lie and deceive. As a result, Putin used the excuse that the attack on Ukraine was based on protecting the Russian people. Protect the Russians from what? It was that the Ukraine might join NATO. The NATO agreement is only good if a member nation is attacked. If Ukraine was to join NATO, then Russia would not be able to attack. So why should Russia ever want to attack Ukraine? If you analyze this situation, you can see that Russia always wanted to have the option of invading Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russia will now attempt the next step while Biden is in office to invade the next nation in line. All of this will lead China to invade Taiwan. All of this will occur while President Biden staggers around and the generals in the Pentagon concentrate on the pacification of the military soldier. (2/26/22 by Tony Campos)
The following bulletin was issued on Feb 8, 2022 by Homeland Security. The link is listed below. If you read it carefully, you can see that it is sending the message that if you should disagree with election results and government mandates you may be considered a terrorist. In other words, the bulletin becomes a form of suppression. It is a doorway to communism. The method of operation is to label anyone, that may disagree with government policy, a threat to our democracy. Misinformation is the new key word being used against anyone that may disagree with the central government in Washington, D.C. This agency had to include the danger of foreign attack just to make it look good. Read it carefully. If you believe in the misinformation that something is wrong with government policy, you may cause damage to our nation. That is the underlying message.
Summary of the Terrorism Threat to the United States
On my prior article regarding vote fraud, I tended to hedge a little by stating that there was a possibility of massive fraud. However, at the present time, I must admit that I now believe that there is a very good probability that there was massive fraud in the presidential election. The evidence being attained from video cameras is simply overwhelming. These videos show an individual approaching a drop box carrying several ballots and taking a cell photo of the ballots before stuffing them into the slot. This is criminal behavior. These people were paid to drop false ballots into the box and the cell photo was the receipt to get paid. The people that authorized this behavior knew that the media, the judges and election officials would never look into the matter once Biden was declared the winner. The consequences of all this is clear. The American people have no realization of how deep our nation is declining into chaos. Voting fraud is one of the biggest threats to our democracy and it is being done by the far-left wing of the Democrat Party. Those politicians that would find this fraud to be unacceptable are simply pretending that fraud never existed. The Democrat leadership was faced with the given reality that five states meant the election and that these five states had to be given special attention (Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan). Priority had to be given to PA and secondly to GA. Ballots had to be kept in storage if needed. On election night, Trump was ahead by over 600,000 votes but somehow lost by the following morning. I am totally convinced that Joe Biden did not legally win Pennsylvania and Georgia. Those people that are suppressing all of the other evidence of videos and witnesses are also to be considered accomplices in the crime. The highest levels of the Democrat leadership know very well that evidence of fraud does exist. (2/4/22 by Tony Campos)
The following has been determined by the State of Pennsylvania. This means that mail-in ballots were not legal during the 2020 election. Those are the facts. The election officials in charge of carrying out the 2020 election acted against state constitution. Most likely the media will try to bury this. Whatever the case, it seems evident that the Democrat Party tried to ram their way figuring that no one would ever question their breaking of the law. At least the people will know although nothing may be done concerning the 2020 election results. However, the evidence is clearly showing that most likely Trump won the legal PA vote. Mail-in ballots with no excuse from voters were not constitutionally valid. In other words, no one can just hand out ballots freely to people for mailing purposes. The official finding follows. (1/28/22 by Anthony Campos)
That Trump colluded with the Russians: BIG LIE
That Trump threatened Ukraine in a phone call: BIG LIE
That Trump ordered an insurrection: BIG LIE
For the sake of preserving democracy an election should not be investigated: BIG LIE
Defunding the police will save minority lives: BIG LIE
That fraud cannot occur when accepting unverified ballots: BIG LIE
That an open border policy is able to control the entrance of dangerous criminals: BIG LIE
That leaving tons of military equipment behind in Afghanistan was excusable because we did not have enough pilots and aircraft: BIG LIE
That it is democratic to allow non-citizens to vote: BIG LIE
That erasing our historical past from the minds of Americans is good: BIG LIE
That communism can be structured to allow for freedom of speech and other constitutional rights: BIG LIE
That harvesting of votes by knocking on doors cannot lead to fraud: BIG LIE
That passing out open ballots to election workers without personal responsibility cannot lead to fraud: BIG LIE
That corona virus somehow created itself: BIG LIE
That governments such as China, North Korea, and Iran would never wish us in the free world to be dead and disappear: BIG LIE
That Black Lives Matter is just an idea and not an organized entity as stated by Joe Biden in the debates: BIG LIE
NOW........How many big lies are listed here?
Considering all of this and more.........
That the Democrat Party stands for true democracy and truth: THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL
However, to be fair, there are many in the Democrat congress and senate that do not like what is going on with the Democrat leadership.
These particular Democrats go along because they get threatened by the leadership and that is why many are now leaving. As can be seen in the news, some are going against the Biden policies and staying. Those Democrats that really believe in democracy and that the nation is a republic should make an attempt to save the party from the radical element. The two-party system must not be turned into a civil war between radical elements.
(1/22/22 by Tony Campos)
Liberal Policy: Every vote counts
Conservative Policy: Every legal vote counts.
If you use logic and reasoning, it should become obvious that recounting illegal ballots is not going to change anything in a recount. Auditors have to go deeper to determine those ballots that were fraudulent or against the law.
(1/29/22 by Tony Campos)
First, people must be under powerful control by the use of deception. For example, people can be controlled by the use of fear over an extended period of time. If enough lies are propagated, the lies eventually become the truth in the minds of people.
Second, there must be enough poor people in the population that will accept welfare and other benefits in exchange for the freedom of striving for monetary success.
Third, for the purpose of wealth distribution, it may be proper to steal from those entities that have some degree of wealth.
(1/29/22 by Tony Campos)
The investigations carried out by the Warren Commission did not go deep enough. However, other agencies may have gone deeper but were terminated. Is it possible that the case had to be buried for the sake of the nation? Is it possible that certain high level figures in our own government such as the leadership of the FBI did not wish the investigation to go deeper? As an observer of human behavior, nothing would shock me at this point in life. I do feel that a good Democrat president was murdered in exchange for a bad one.
(1/29/22 by Tony Campos)
There is evidence that the riot of January 6 was deliberately orchestrated by just a few individuals. Ray Epps was one of these questionable people along with a few others that performed in coordination with Epps. Logic dictates that Trump was drygulched by some yet unknown faction of the Washington, D.C. establishment. Trump did request troops to be at the rally but Pelosi did nothing. The kangaroo committee composed of Trump-haters (obvious) is a coverup sham to deceive the American people into believing that Trump is a danger to our democracy. In reality, it seems that perhaps the accusers represent the real danger. Why do both Democrats and many Republicans want Trump to disappear. Use some logic here. Both the Congress and the Senate do not want a strong leader as president. They want a weak leader such as Biden. Many of the members in Congress and the Senate whether Democrat or Republican want power for themselves and these politicians do not wish to give up that power to a strong-willed president. With the exception of a few people, both Schumer and McConnell are in partnership along with members of the House and Senate to make sure Trump does not return. These people represent the real danger to our democracy. They lie and deceive, and they are good at it. President Biden made a speech blaming Trump for insurrection. Biden's approval is so low that he felt compelled to make the accusations on the air to gain sympathy from the American people in order to play the part of the savior of the democracy. Politics is dirty. Americans are not well trained in detecting deception. These professional politicians have no sense of shame in their face. This nation is turning into a one-party system, the Democrat-Republican Party. (1/6/22 by Tony Campos)
Before the election, Senator Schumer stated (video recorded) that they had to stop Trump by whatever means and whatever it takes. That statement sent a message to all those officials in charge of the voting process. When a party leader wants something done that may not be considered ethical, a direct order may not be given. It merely becomes an implied or covert order that can never be legally traced to the source. Rush Limbaugh mentioned this process at one time on his radio show. Limbaugh stated that a desire is merely implied and everyone down the line accepts that stated desire as an implied order. The implied order was to stop Trump by whatever means. The implied order may well have been carried out. Thousands of mail-in ballots could not be verified once opened. Naturally, a vote recount is not going to change anything, because each mail-in ballot cannot be proven to be false. Therefore, mail-in ballots will always work in the favor of the cheater. This is plain logic. It is highly likely that whistleblowers will start coming out with admissions of ballot drop boxes being stuffed. However, it is also likely that such revelations will not make headlines. (12/16/21 by Tony Campos)
It can be a very good form of investment if the investor gains knowledge of the subject and has a good degree of emotional control. Knowledge has to do with knowing how and where to buy the coins. Emotional control has to do with not falling apart if the coin's value should decrease in the short term. Crypto can be bought on coinbase.com or at robinhood.com just to mention two of many more platforms. A coin can be bought in decimal fractions by whatever amount you may desire. Furthermore, the crypto coin market never closes and remains open for trading 24 hours per day. Invest only an amount that you can afford to lose without creating havoc in your life. As of this date, the major brokerage houses have not allowed trading, but they are considering the major coins such as bitcoin and Ethereum. Expect a high degree of volatility. (12/16/21 by Tony Campos)
.It is incredible that China is hardly ever mentioned in the news as being responsible for the corona virus. Do Americans realize that the Chinese government manufactured this virus? Why was it manufactured in a Chinese lab? Corona virus did not create itself out of thin air. It is a biological weapon. Most Americans really do not understand the behavioral forces of the communist mentality. A hardcore communist will believe that it is perfectly acceptable to sacrifice many of its own people in order to accomplish the prime objective of causing major damage to the opposition. Unfortunately, the American government along with major corporations are willing to overlook the danger and bend to the wishes of China. It seems as if trade money is more important than the security of the United States. If the Chinese government could devise a weapon that would kill everyone else in the world, the Communist Party would employ such weapon. A hardcore communist government would always be willing to sacrifice a portion of its own population to win.
(12/17/21 by Tony Campos)
The enemy within our society is a neo-communist movement that is being nurtured by the abuse of democratic principles. The process is to alienate the government from traditional values and shift all of the responsibility of social worries to the government away from the private sector.
In order for the leftists to control the population, they must reduce the population to the level of poverty. This will reduce the power of the individual to exert control over his or her own destiny. Liberals want government control under the guise that such a plan will alleviate the burdens of the population. This will weaken the individual to accept mediocrity and to accept equality amongst the population. The idea of equalizing each individual may sound noble but it will always lead to the destruction of the incentive required to innovate. Equalizing people within a society is a formula for total destruction. Equalizing individuals within a society means that each individual should be equally poor and not equally wealthy. Becoming equally wealthy simply does not become a viable method because wealth should be held by the government.
(by Anthony Campos, 12/31/21)
I give a fair degree of credit to the Washington Post and New York Times in finally admitting that Russian collusion was false . I cannot say the same for CNN and MSNBC. MSNBC falsely accused President Trump of treason, being a Russian agent, and of collusion with Russia based on false information created by the Clinton campaign. This is evil behavior. MSNBC also misrepresented the many riots by ANTIFA as being peaceful demonstrations or justified on the grounds of racist oppression. CNN did not fully cover the violent behavior of the rioters as they broke windows, set fires, and stole from places of business. Both CNN and MSNBC buried the horror stories of innocent people that lost everything in their lives. It was all an example of deception by the media. To make matters worse, people like VP Harris stated that rioters who were arrested should be bailed out easily. This is all on record and not made up. Furthermore, defunding the police was vigorously presented on MSNBC.
(12/31/21 by Anthony Campos)
The above link goes to my book's website. At the website, go to introduction. The introduction is free to read.
Although my book deals with the stock market, the basic principle of being legally crooked will apply to many aspects of life including product and service advertising, media news, and politics. We are talking about deception. Deception is all around us. Deception is powered by greed for power and money. Although it may not be legal to lie, it may be legal to deceive as if in a game of poker. Although deception may be considered legal, it still represents deviant behavior that can definitely be considered crooked. Being crooked may be considered legal because it is defined as deviant behavior. Being deviant may be legal if there is no law to address the issue. (12/31/21 by Anthony Campos)